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Writing Coaching.

What is it




Another facet of "Turning the Page" is the Writing Coaching. Here, I look at scientific mentoring as a journey made in pairs: it is an invitation for academic, communications, and professional challenges, obstacles, and difficulties to be not only shared but reflected and resolved in a collaborative and unique way, taking into account different lifestyles and encouraging life, emotional states, and dialogue.


Being a "writing coach" has allowed me to reach out to those who need to be guided in a scientific project with deadlines and efficient action plans; to those who want to create strategies to have accompaniment in being alone; to those who are blocked and/or unmotivated. It has also allowed me to reach out to those who don't even know where to start from. 

What Coaching has added to me

  • My personalized support in the initial process of structuring, reviewing and correcting writing

  • The constant possibility of a dynamic discussion with different people

  • Support in the management, organization, and logistics of scientific projects

  • Sharing my academic experience with the teaching and practice of scientific writing, all carried out between Brazil, Canada, the United States, and Portugal

  • Sharing my long background with teaching EFL (English as a Foreign Language) and PSL (Portuguese as a Second Language): a plus for those who need a stylistic and structural proofreader, and for those who are writing in these languages in particular


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